Landing on Noveria and preparation play a few. And local authorities in an attempt to seize your hand when you arrive. Regardless of what your response, will allow you to keep them when your identity is confirmed. The President talked with Parasini: Benezia here, on this planet. Now.
It seems as though you are on the right track.
Let Hanshan port
Search for Benezia, must move forward to exit the facility and to the planets surface. Unfortunately, the official refused to port your application to get access to the garage. You have to convince him to allow you to pass. There are many high-level missions here, but for simplicity, we will keep them all in one directory. There are also important here as well. We will discuss here before moving to the main walkthrough.
Cost: smuggling
to head to the main square here. Pooled dealers would be important to you, if you want to become one of the smugglers. You can retrieve packages from the dock near Normandy and returned to Pooled. If you want to save the package, you will find that they contain polonium fourth round (or at least to us). It offers a package that will let you earn up to 500 points. You can also learn that the receiver is labeled Inamorda Krogan. This seems like a kind of friendly nations. All in all, studies with several awards, but hey: experience.
Inamorda lived upstairs in the hotel bar here. It is possible that if you decide to maintain the same device that he will attack you, or continues your search.
Cost: Spyware
He called Asari Marlene Callis and greets you as you enter the hotel and ask you to do a little corporate espionage against Rafael Vargas, in a bar. He explained that should be kept on the subject so that he does not spare you, but he rubbed the back of the neck when he's nervous. If you see him do so, press on the subject at hand. You need to get him to talk long enough to return to Calais in personal communication. You can also just refuse to do work during the eight-point model.
This seems completely unethical.
You have several options here. He said you could hand the device to Rafael, Calles to complete the task, which will provide many points from the rebels. If you want to play missions in a row, and try to use the talents of your speech as you can in many cases, has the magic work a little better here than intimidating. To keep him fit as long as you can, in the end will surprise you mentioned here to work. If you tell him that he looked guilty, you must get a claim from Calais and can go. Completion of the quest this way you will get a little credit to encourage and reward apostates.
Back on track
your first objective here is to get a passport to the garage. You should get one, but talking with obstructive Anoles. Paranisi will refer you to a man named Qui'in, which can be found in the hotel bar. There are presidential and stir.
Tip: Be sure to hack the security team on the ground here. Doing this will allow you to disable the security services of 'synthetic flowers. It would be very useful for future missions.
Lorik Qui'in
Lorik and evidence that Anoleis damaged, and wants you to recover from the Office of synthetic interest. To do so, however, you must register with a few security guards. Do not hesitate to let the supply Anoleis, and said he made the competitors, too.
Nothing is simpler than ever ...
Post-socialist deadly security at the hotel, and made its way to the elevator to the top office. Two of the doormen here to attack or persuaded to go, with a reputation for changing opportunity. The rest of the guards, the bad guys to survive, so take them down quickly and began inspections. You can find research on the computer at a lower level. You will find evidence in the computer to Warwick, and as promised.
Naturally, complications arise here. Chiara will get to Sterling with you on the way out, he was not happy in the death of his men. Reinforcements have had some fancy the curse of weapons capable of killing members of the weak points of the party. You may want to try and retreat to the Bureau of Warwick and defense organizations there, Chiara will follow you, at least, allow you to take first before dealing with men.
and will be out of office when leaving Piranisi, and tells you to meet him for drinks at the hotel bar before talking to Qui'in. You may be able to speak here and wrap Anoleis search, but we prefer to do so, respectively.
Chairman of the bar and talk with Piranisi. Will let you know that he worked for the Internal Security Agency on the planet, and tries to help set up Anoleis corruption trial. If you can get a certificate of Warwick, and you will get your pass. This is mostly an opportunity for more point of idealism, and he'll give you a pass to shop if you just hand over the evidence. If you manage to use magic or intimidation to convince him to testify, but it gets points for example.
Not the best results.
If you get him to testify, and he returned to 'Anoleis Office. If you told me about Gianna, things will change ... Bad. Will still get passed the garage, though. If you want to experience more of it, tells the story of Lorik the evidence, but not about Gianna. Once you get to experience it (you might need to use magic or intimidation to convince him that you will not catch it, but did not give evidence), and back to Giana tells of Warwick. And will Anoleis and you will get your pass. Do not forget to go back to the wall safe.
Peak 15
Time to go to the top 15. When you reach the garage, though, you'll be ambushed by Geth. Switch upgrades you to take a synthetic, and then start making your way through them. You may be able to put the ship at the end of the court before to see you, if you can hit them with exclusivity or something, and will help you to accept them.
Macon came out here and goes to the snow. Level 1 warning here indicates that you will take damage if Macon out of a very long time, you will have 30 seconds or more to carry out the necessary exploration. Try to stay close to the Make and pop only when absolutely necessary. There are some good elements in the cage where you will place, usually near the damaged car, to receive them.
You will have some strong battles here, especially in the first bridge, where the missile forces will get you addicted. Do your best to avoid fire and maintain the mechanics of your training them, protecting them move quickly down, and you will be able to implement it.
Go to facilities
when you arrive at the top 15, the President and began combing the area. Elevator when you find it, after verification of the security zone. And kill Geth above cause the cut scene to play, and reveals Rachnis, poisonous creatures that seem to be running at all facilities. Say what you will about them, but at least they are rich, even the smallest will net you 1000 credit hours for each murder.
I think we know what happened here.
Through the Head of Administration and into the heart of Mira. You must restart the sixth station manually to get a place again on the Internet, to search for a leading elevator and take it. You need to fix basic memory here to take sixth on the Internet anymore. You can pay 100 omnigels to do it, or try to fix it manually.
Repair manual is a puzzle game. All you need to move a memory block one item to stack two or three. Catch is that you cannot block access to the bottom of the stack until you've moved a block over. Here's one solution to the riddle: Q, B, X, Y, B, Y, X, B, Y, X, Y, B, C, B, X, Y, B, R, B, X, Y , X, b, Y, X, B, X, Y, b, j.
Back Online
"Crap, a pop-up." He. By Mira again via the internet, you can ask on the status of the facility. Land relations - sub labs been lost, and the main reactor is offline. Must repair the damage before you can go after Benezia.
Start with home phone connection with the latest up to the ceiling. Restore as easy as pressing the phone call, but you have to fight through Rachnis. Living in the hallway and let them come to you. From there, head into the main reactor. You have to fight the Geth a lot to get to the reactor, but when you do, you can return the fuel line and the station back online in full.
Return to Myra to see a new problem: Rachnis and eliminate pollution in the region. You can open the gate that held them to reach their own, if you want (this may be more profitable, given the tendency to decrease by a handful of credits), or you can try to fix the safe side which will remove all of them out with a plasma jet. The latter probably will net you more experience, but you should have enough characters forward email skills, or to burn 25 omnigel. This will be the first of almost certain to clean up your credit.
Rift Station
Whatever your choice, head through a decontamination station and head to the Rift. It will only lift station lab work, so I went to the top. To speak to Capt ventralis here to learn more about this situation, and obtain an access card that will let you continue. She also will tell you that there is Benezia matriarch in the new laboratory. You may want to check out your nearest dealer before moving to the bottom, but can be accessed at a later time.
Before trying to solve the main task here, counting ventral Medical Bay and speak with Dr. Cohen. He will look for quarantine, and said he wanted you to go into quarantine laboratory for scientists and help find a cure for the disease. You should speak with the stomach again, and convince him to let you in the laboratory.
After talking to the stomach, take the elevator to the rock lab / barracks and talk to the guards outside the lab, and she will let you through. Chairman and use Terminal to provide treatment. Mini game is simple: Click on Start, then press the button when the meter is the discrimination between the two arrows on it. Do this a few times and you'll have your treatment.
Unfortunately, Asari, you've seen before coming here to kill you. Kill him, then returned to Dr. Cohen with the treatment. And will allow you to access to the area of maintenance if you want, which will allow you to avoid the new lab. New lab will do just mean a lot of experience from the outside, though, so worth it.
Hot Labs
There are many parts to the Rift Station you want to find here, but for now, you can go to a new laboratory to come back to the tram station. You can find the elevator that leads to a new laboratory there. If you're talking to Tartakovsky Yaroslev, and he will tell you all about Rachni, and the need to clean the neutron arm, which would eliminate all forms of life from a new laboratory. This will provide access cards needed to start cleaning, but was killed before he could enter the code for the Mira. De Oh!
That would sting.
Take the code from his body, and then go to Mira in the space station back here. If you run a clean neutron, you will have two minutes to go back to the elevator before you all get wiped out. There will be a group of Rachni waiting for you in the living room where Tartakovsky, so you have to fight their way to the elevator, but you should have enough time to do it.
You can go back to the middle ventral 'Now, he returned to the station a little cracked. When you reach him, he opened fire on you upon request Benezia. There is no other option but to take it out! Ventral weapon itself has a very bad, so try to catch it with singularity or lift to make it lame when you are dealing with the army.
Seeking Benezia
Benezia a place in the laboratory: it seems clear that a lot. It seems likely that he is in a secure laboratory in the middle of this compound. Medic labs you can check here to get some items, and Barrack Guard. When you're ready to go to the lab that is safe, you have two choices: You can go to the north, through security and access them directly, or the elevator to the quarantine laboratory, which will allow you to navigate the corridors and behind the facility. This will be the first song told the guard at the lab safe and your presence, while the second is the "infiltration", and may allow you to keep a little more. Because we have a battle, and we take the former route.

Fighting Benezia
Regardless, when you enter a secure lab, you're going to face Benezia. (In an attempt to loot a first aid kit from the area before moving, because you probably will not need it.) This boss battle is to meet with multi-stage; he will not take part directly to you at first, but will take command of Asari and Geth soldiers in transition.
Benezia not a good woman.
You only need this war in the northeast corner of the laboratory. This will be the first wave of enemies coming from your south, then north-west corner. What you may find useful here is to go to the northwest corner soon after starting a fight, then move down the road to the East and West? There will be a lot closer, but because Benezia not move, and said he will not be able to shoot you or your use of the vital force within you through the cage that holds the Queen Rachni.
This will be the last meeting going on here with a group of enemies in the west-north and south-east corner. Use grenades and the ability to influence to bring them down, and then deal with Benezia same. He said he would give the location of the next destination, Saren migrate Mo, and its role in the attack and I with some voices on behalf of poor people who are very strong. It is very difficult to overcome, but it can be done. When he attacked again, and use your strength quickly, and health, and breast cancer is down, and then took command of the Asari in the room to end the fighting.
Ranchi cage here approach to dealing with the Queen. You can choose to let it go to the ideal point or burned, it is alleged that the point of rebellion. With that done, and check the area for the coffin, then back to the nearest tram through a shortcut and go back to your ship.
Back to Normandy
back to the ship to talk down the mission. If you have a character running the romantic plot with more than one team, and probably will come to the President today; Kid and Lara good deal of our personality, for example, forcing us to choose. Unfortunately, ménage a trios that seems very appropriate for a single. Make your choice and continue.
Vermire: Base on Saren
As a side note here: After finishing fourth out of four main missions, you will be automatically replicated back to the palace and then the next time you will be prevented from leaving to go there. If you want to complete the side quests, be sure to do before heading Vermire, and if not, any end uncompletable.
Go to the Vermire
A team of spies salarian certain types of information about Saren. You need to meet them and find exactly what they know. After landing, you will have a length of Mako, who will try to enable AA tower planet. Please note that some structures can be included depending on the Geth stay here if you exit the Mako and look for the stairs.
You can exit the Mako and enter these structures, if you wish.
Horoscopes after deadly anti-aircraft (check enclosed control room you came through) and open the gates that block your progress, you will reach the camp Salarian, where you will learn that genophage Krogan Saren has recovered and plans to release the soldier Krogans geth to match him .
Survival of the fittest
Talk to Wrex on the beach here, but save the game first. This is important conversation, and you are the wind will eventually Wrex gun. There are only three outcomes here: Either shoot Wrex and Ashley shoots Wrex, or you can use magic or Intimidate skill to hold talks with Wrex and you walk all that. I hope you invested in your speech craft!
Enter two men! The man came out!
With that done, and speak with Kirrahe. And will provide an opportunity to sneak into the back of Saren and infiltrate a secret annex, but it does mean better Ashley or Kaid to send almost certain death. You must choose one of them to accompany him Kirrahe, and apparently there is no way around it. Keep in mind that sending your loved one may wind up preventing you from completing your transaction with them romantically. Regardless, you should choose someone, so choose one or the other, and volunteers. For the record, we have taken Kid, but you have to make another choice in a few moments.
Before starting the mission, to sell items that are not essential to the nearest station commander Rentola and Hack to get some amps. When it's done, talk to him a little to get Kirrahe Shatner-esque speech, and then get ready to move into the mission.
And take your team with guns drawn on the basis of Saren A, but you also need help Kirrahe and his men to disable the defense as much as possible Geth. Start heading north to the communications tower near where you start and use the machines there to disrupt communications Geth. Destroyed and there is space for the transmission of the West, and the tower is targeting to continue without interruption. Another objective of the northern Gulf of fuel injection: the aircraft were killed there, as well as fuel tanks.
When you reach the entranceways to the laboratory, and check the map, you'll see that there is the entrance to the north and south. Walking on the beach through a gap in the fence and take the south door, and will ask you to return to the control gate. When you do this, though, is coming at the security station that will allow you to turn off the alarm at the base. You can choose to travel back in alarm for more than the people around Kirrahe men, but it will be very useful.
You can turn off some signs to get rid of Kirrahe pressure.
In the laboratory
Start making your way through the facility here, ranging from cell block B, and here left out of the cell salaries force you to fight him, but will give an example of a point.
From this point, you should try to explore the base a little before moving on with your goals. Maintenance and storage is not important to explore, but they have enemies will net you more money. (After the street from them will bring you back to the entrance of the basic background.) If you take the stairs to the detention cell medium level security office, you can find more Samarians in dealing with them.
When you are ready to continue, though, took the elevator, even in the laboratory. Droyas you have to kill the doctor. Enter your arms and legs, then went to the security office to meet with Thanoptis Rana, director of facilities. After that open the way for communication towers, and head through the elevator to see ... And an interesting conversation.
Disable AA guns
back to the Office of the President of the Security Council; the way to the breeding facility is now open. President on the outside of the basic primary level, poking in the chest near the stairs to a closed, until you reach the security controls that would cover the first thousand gun. Enabled, then defeat the answers and go to the elevator. Make your way through the trenches station here to meet with Ashley.
Options and Options.
Ashley, and Ashley Kaid Kid
Save your game before entering the elevator in here, if possible, others waiting for a difficult decision. You have to choose between moving forward, and nabbing Ashley Kid or return to protection. Select from the end of the day that the people who live through this mission and others survive. If you choose to go back to Ashley, the battle will be a little more difficult, because you will face against Geth's first president. This will be a burden renewal shield very quickly, but you will not be able to record if you hit with everything you do.
The meeting will be held first with Saren is going on here, and regardless of the team members have been saved. It is difficult but not impossible to win, especially because you need to take on the basis of 3-1. Hit him with the overload, sabotage, and everything you can think of, and then use your weapon skills to kill. He will not die, of course, but he will not resign, allowing you to escape before they explode nuclear Vermire.
Back to Normandy
when you return to Normandy, you should be on your way to the channel. If you complete enough of the goal to help people Kirrahe, he will be in the Department of Computer Engineering, and Rentola sell some unique items, including some rare license. Be sure to catch them before heading to the next destination, they will abandon ship when they do.
Castle end of the journey
after completing four major missions (Noveria, Feros, Vermire, and Find Lara T'Soni), will lead automatically return to the palace. Unfortunately for you, you will Normandy on the ground, and are prevented from leaving the station, and it is clear visual evidence of the Independent Chairman of Aden are not sufficient for the Board to continue. Soon enough, you'll get a message indicating that Captain Anderson wants to talk with you, and says he is waiting for you in Flux.
Head to the camouflage and Dancing with the turnover for the vomiting, then talked to Anderson. Scheduled to present to delete keys in Normandy, you will need a recommendation on how to do it. If left alone, he was in Udine hack the computer and removes the shutdown command from there. In both cases it is serious, but he must do one of them. Either way you go, or he succeeded, but he would put himself in mortal danger for you.
Go to the International Labor Organization
If your reservation, please do not hesitate to complement the good side that you want to go before the International Labor Organization.
Fourth Estate
I just wanted to sing dammed!
After the elevator down to the meeting with Captain Anderson, reporters will be waiting for you. You can talk with him or not, it's up to you. If you agree to speak with him, and you will be able to respond to some questions that he is for you. If you have a high charm or intimidate, you can answer succinctly, if your answer would be rather easy. You may not need anymore Saren, however.
Family Materials
Rebecca and Michael debate the financial district. If you're talking to them, you can persuade them to follow one or more options. There is no specific right or wrong choice here, do what you want. In both cases, this experience is the basis for free.
Old, unhappy, something far
a man named Zabaleta will contact you at the top if you happen to run through a corridor of access to the ward. He said he was an old friend of your mom, and asks for 20 credits to buy food. Borrowing money to him, if you want, then go back to Normandy and the use of satellite communications to check in with my mother. (Back-story here may change based on dates of special characters that you create.)
Getting a job, Zombie!
If you do, after opening the Anderson boat, you and your mother Zabaleta confirmed the story and ask you to urge him to head the Office of Veterans Affairs to receive treatment. Unfortunately, if you had left the palace to the International Labor Organization, uncompletable then became important at this time. We will return to update to this guide.
Own worst enemy
if you head over to Ward, one of Charles Saracino will help you in the next election; he first walked on earth platform. Listen to ideas and accept or reject the offer to issue a statement of support.
And ask negotiator
and will meet with Elias Keeler outside of Flux. He asks you to buy steroids arranged for him by the Medical Office in the village. You can try to persuade him to get treatment immediately, if you like. You do not get a cash prize for this option, but a little more. Even bought him drive and neutral in terms of exemplary actions / rebel, but if you buy her depression, is not it, that will net you some decent points for the rebels.